Transform - Tiles: Special

The Special template appears in the template list when a raster tile field, of type Tile, has been picked in the Transform pane.  The template computes Bessel functions, with specification of Order.



Bessel function operations, with specification of Order. Order may be taken from a field, or specified by a value or by an expression.  Save the result into the specified Result destination using the specified numeric type.


  • Bessel 1st kind (jn) - The nth Bessel function of the first kind: Compute  the Bessel function Jn(x) for Order n using pixel values in the source channel as x.  Specifying 2 for Order uses a J2(x) Bessel function.  Using 0 or 1 for the Order is equivalent to using J0(x) or J1(x), respectively.
  • Bessel 2nd kind (yn) - The nth Bessel function of the second kind: Compute the Bessel Function Yn(x) for Order n using pixel values in the source channel as x.  Specifying 2 for Order uses a Y2(x) Bessel function.  Using 0 or 1 for the Order is equivalent to using Y0(x) or Y1(x), respectively.


Launch the template by choosing a Tile field and then double-clicking the Special template.  When the template launches we can specify options.



Special : Bessel 1st kind (jn)

The nth Bessel function of the first kind: Compute  the Bessel function Jn(x) for Order n using pixel values in the source channel as x.  For example, specifying 2 for Order uses a J2(x) Bessel function.



Special : Bessel 2nd kind (yn)

The nth Bessel function of the second kind: Compute  the  the Bessel Function Yn(x) for Order n using pixel values in the source channel as x.  For example, specifying 2 for Order uses a Y2(x) Bessel function.






Everything Math - For a handy reference to anything in mathematics, see the Wolfram MathWorld site.   Thank you, Wolfram!


See Also

Transform Pane


Transform Reference


Transform - Tiles