Transform - Tiles: Hyperbolic

The Hyperbolic template appears in the template list when a raster tile field, of type Tile, has been picked in the Transform pane.  The template computes basic hyperbolic trigonometric operations.



Basic hyperbolic trigonometric operations, allowing choice of radial unit from Arc Minute, Arc Second, Degree or Radian.  The default unit is Degree.   Save the result into the specified Result destination using the specified numeric type.  


arc hyperbolic functions are a synonym for inverse hyperbolic functions.


  • hyperbolic arc cosine (acosh) - Compute the hyperbolic arc cosine of pixel values in the source channel.
  • hyperbolic arc sine (asinh) - Compute the hyperbolic arc sine of pixel values in the source channel.
  • hyperbolic arc tangent (atanh) - Compute the hyperbolic arc tangent of pixel values in the source channel.
  • hyperbolic cosine (cosh) - Compute the hyperbolic cosine of pixel values in the source channel.
  • hyperbolic sine (sinh) - Compute the hyperbolic sine of pixel values in the source channel.
  • hyperbolic tangent (tanh) - Compute the hyperbolic tangent of pixel values in the source channel.


Launch the template by choosing a Tile field and then double-clicking the Hyperbolic template.  When the template launches we can specify options.



Hyperbolic : hyperbolic arc cosine (acosh)

Compute the hyperbolic arc cosine (inverse hyperbolic cosine) of pixel values in the source channel.

Hyperbolic : hyperbolic arc sine (asinh)

Compute the hyperbolic arc sine (inverse hyperbolic sine) of pixel values in the source channel.

Hyperbolic : hyperbolic arc tangent (atanh)

Compute the hyperbolic arc tangent (inverse hyperbolic tangent) of pixel values in the source channel.

Hyperbolic : hyperbolic cosine (cosh)

Compute the hyperbolic cosine of pixel values in the source channel.

Hyperbolic : hyperbolic sine (sinh)

Compute the hyperbolic sine of pixel values in the source channel.

Hyperbolic : hyperbolic tangent (tanh)

Compute the hyperbolic tangent of pixel values in the source channel.




Everything Math - For a handy reference to anything in mathematics, see the Wolfram MathWorld site.   Thank you, Wolfram!


See Also

Transform Pane


Transform Reference


Transform - Tiles