Select - Text

Select templates for variable length text fields, of type nvarchar or varchar.    Text operations usually provide a choice of Collation, which is how we control whether case is significant.  The default choice is a neutral, nocase collation, meaning case is not significant.  Change to neutral collation to make case significant in text operations.    Click on a template's link to jump to that template's topic.



Select using the given expression.


Select for null values in the source field.


  • null - Select records with NULL values.
  • not null - Select records with non-NULL values.



Select by comparing the source field value Use option using the given Condition to the given value or values,  which can be values from a field, a specified value, or the result of an expression that evaluates to a numeric data type.


Use options:


  • number of characters - Use the number of characters in the text.
  • text - Use the text.


Condition options for number of characters:


  • between - Select records with values between the At least and At most values, inclusive.
  • equal (=) - Select records with values equal to the given value.
  • greater (>) - Select records with values greater than the given value.
  • greater or equal (>=) - Select records with values greater than or equal to the given value.
  • less (<) - Select records with values less than the given value.
  • less or equal (<=) - Select records with values less than or equal to the given value.
  • not equal (<>) - Select records with values not equal to the given value.


If we would like to select records that are NOT variations of the above, for example not between, select on the basis of one of the above and press Ctrl-I or Edit - Select Inverse to invert the selection.   Selecting using between and then pressing Ctrl-I is the equivalent of "not between" the given values.


Condition options for text:


  • between - Given the specified collation, falls in an alphabetic sort between the At least and At most text values.
  • contains - Contains the specified text value.
  • contains regular expression - Contains the specified regular expression.
  • ends with - Ends with the specified text value.
  • equal (=) - Is the same as the given value.
  • greater (>) - Given the specified collation, in an alphabetic sort is greater than the given value.
  • greater or equal (>=) - Given the specified collation, in an alphabetic sort is greater than or equal to the given value.
  • less (<) - Given the specified collation, in an alphabetic sort is less than the given value.
  • less or equal (<=) - Given the specified collation, in an alphabetic sort is less than or equal to the given value.
  • matches pattern (like) - Is like the pattern in the given value.  The syntax for patterns is the same as syntax for the SQL LIKE Operator, a simplified pattern matching syntax that is much easier for most people than full regular expression syntax.  This template has an Ignore case option box.
  • matches regular expression - Matches the regular expression pattern given in the value. This template has an Ignore case option box.
  • not equal (<>) - Is not the same as the given value.
  • sounds like (soundex) -  The text in the source field sounds like the given value using an English language Soundex algorithm to compare the sound of the source field value to the sound of the given value.
  • starts with - Starts with the specified text value.


The Trim box allows automatic trimming of whitespace characters from the source field number before comparing to the specified value:


  • none - Do not trim any whitespace characters (default).
  • end - Trim any whitespace from the end of the source text.
  • start - Trim any whitespace characters from the start of the source text.
  • start and end - Trim any whitespace characters from both the start and the end of the source text.



Selects records based on the lexicographic order/size of their values relative to other values in the table.


  • maximum - selects records with the maximum value,
  • minimum - selects records with the minimum value,
  • median - selects records with the median value,
  • top - selects the specified number of records with the largest values,
  • bottom - selects the specified number of records with the smallest values,
  • top percent - selects records with values larger than the specified percentile, with an option to include or exclude the bounding percentage.
  • bottom percent - selects records with values smaller than the specified percentile, with an option to include or exclude the bounding percentage.


Other options:


  • Ignore case - Ignore upper or lower case when comparing values.  Checked by default.
  • Ignore whitespace at start and end - Ignore any whitespace characters (space, tab) at the beginning or end of a text value when comparing values.    Checked by default.



Selects records based on how many times their values occur in a table:


  • duplicate - for each duplicate value, selects all such records except one,
  • non-unique - selects records with values that occur more than once,
  • unique - selects records with values that occur only once.


Other options:


  • Ignore case - Ignore upper or lower case when comparing values.  Checked by default.
  • Ignore whitespace at start and end - Ignore any whitespace characters (space, tab) at the beginning or end of a text value when comparing values.    Checked by default.



See Also

Select - Text: Expression


Select - Text: Null


Select - Text: Search


Select - Text: Statistic


Select - Text: Unique


Select Reference


Select - Expression


Select - Binary


Select - Boolean


Select - Datetime


Select - Geometry


Select - Numbers


Select - Numeric Vectors


Select - Tiles


Select - UUID