The Null template appears in the template list when a numeric field of type float32, float64, int8, int16, int32, int64, uint8, uint16, uint32, or uint6 has been picked in the Select pane. The template selects records with either NULL or non-NULL values in the source field.
Null |
Select for null values in the source field.
Launch the template by choosing a numeric field in the Select pane and then double-clicking the Null template. When the template launches we can specify options.
Null : null |
Select records with NULL values.
We begin with an example table for a drawing that contains three areas, two lines and two points. We have used the Layers pane to hide the mfd_id field, for a simpler illustration.
With the focus on the table window, in the Select pane we choose the Height field and then we double-click the Null template to launch it.
In the Null template, for Condition, we choose null.
For Action, we use the default replace selection.
Press Select.
The template selects all records where the Height value is NULL.
Null : not null |
Select records with non-NULL values.
We begin with an example table for a drawing that contains three areas, two lines and two points. We have used the Layers pane to hide the mfd_id field, for a simpler illustration.
With the focus on the table window, in the Select pane we choose the Height field and then we double-click the Null template to launch it.
In the Null template, for Condition, we choose non null.
For Action, we use the default replace selection.
Press Select.
The template selects all records where the Height value is not NULL.
Example: Flooded Roads - We consider a hypothetical case of a 10 meter rise in sea level in the San Francisco Bay area, and we find what highways and major roads would be flooded by such a rise. The example uses both raster and vector data sets, combines a number of techniques and uses the Contour, Buffer, Merge, and Clip transform templates.