Manifold can read raw binary or raw text format files using various extensions. Since there is no overall standard for data in raw binary or raw text form, Manifold provides tools that allow configuring an import to extract sensible information from different arrangements of data. These tools are discussed in the Tools - Scan Raw Binary / Text File topic.
For a step-by-step example of use, see the Example: Link NLCD using Scan Raw Binary File topic.
Tools - Scan Raw Binary / Text File
Example: Link NLCD using Scan Raw Binary File - Use the Scan Raw Binary File tool to scan and to prepare a configuration file, which we use to link an NLCD raw binary file providing land cover data for Delaware as a raster image. We use a standard palette to color the land cover data and then we assign a projection to the newly imported image so it can be used as a correctly georegistered layer in maps.